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Ecoprinting consists of different techniques that directly use plants to transfer their shapes and coloring substances to the textile material.


We treat our process as an alchemy and a ritual that connects us with the forces and five elements of nature:


Earth, fire, water, air and ether.


The earth is represented by the plant kingdom, the basis of our process.

Air is the atmosphere that connects us to each other, produced by the plants themselves.

Fire is responsible for the transmutation and transfer of coloring substances.

Water is the element that cleans and starts new processes.

The ether is the sacred, that which transcends in all of us.



The color and shapes generated by the plant kingdom appear to us as a motivating principle for the development of ecological fashion products.


We work with native and abundant plants. We use different parts of plants: flowers such as Cosmos, Coreopsis, Hibiscus, Chamomile, Macela. Leaves from trees such as Eucalyptus, Alchornea, Guava, Araçá. Tree and onion bark or seeds such as Urucum.


Our work with plants goes beyond acting as our raw material.  We delve into its essence and understand that when transferring its substances to the textile base, many chemical reactions take place and the result depends on variables that cannot always be controlled.


Natural Pigments

Natural dyeing

For millennia, natural pigments have been used as dyes for clothing, food, objects or body paint. With the advent of chemical dyes, this consumption was greatly reduced. However, one of the most polluting areas of the fashion industry is effluents from the dyeing process.


In our pieces we work exclusively with natural pigments that do not pollute and are not harmful to the environment or your skin.  Our dyes come from medicinal herbs such as green and black tea, yerba mate, macela, onion, avocado, and tannins from black acacia and eucalyptus.


We also work with bark from trees such as barbatimão, catuaba, aroeira, among others.


In a reduced form we use Brazil wood, due to its extraction method.

We also use indigo and mattress.

Organic Cotton

We chose organic cotton because it is a fiber grown free of pesticides that prevents pesticides from flooding the soil and affecting the entire ecosystem.


Cotton is a fiber taken from the seeds of plants that belong to the Gossypium genus. As a main characteristic, they are very absorbent, light and soft, biodegradable and with great air permeability capacity.


Medicine from Mother Earth


In addition to aesthetic capabilities, when choosing dyes, we consider their ability to interact with matter and their medicinal potential in textiles.


Many of the dye plants have properties used in traditional medicine and folk medicine, both for ingestion and external use on the skin.


Our research and development takes into account medicinal potentials in textiles that become bactericidal and fungicidal agents.


Furthermore, the choice and use of plants create a narrative that speaks about the species, nature, consumption, life-death-life cycles, the environment and the brand's purpose.



Environmental Axis

In our production process we use natural raw materials and prioritize the use of organic cotton. This way, with a biodegradable raw material and without the use of pesticides in its production, we minimize environmental impacts.

Furthermore, we exclusively use natural pigments from renewable sources. In our techniques we do not use petrochemical derivatives.


Social Axis

We work with slow fashion, in processes that respect people in terms of health and safety. Our workplace meets production standards and is still considered a craftsmanship, due to our processes and techniques.

We are located in an environment with lots of fresh air, greenery and silence that allows you to listen to internal movements.


Economic Axis

We promote local production and tourism through our integration with the Rural Ratones. It is a collective where the union of traditional knowledge and initiatives brought by new residents have built a unique and vibrant environment. Visitors will find options for places to stroll and enjoy products and services through nature tourism. 

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